Webinar: Restoring stem cell fate and behavior outside their native niche

Dr. Matthew Tierney has studied stem cell-niche dynamics. Register and hear about his research.

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The extraordinary clinical potential of regenerative medicine will only be fully realized once there is a clear understanding of how to reliably manipulate stem cells. Accomplishing this will require a mechanistic appreciation of the interplay between stem cells and their respective natural niches. Dr. Matthew Tierney has studied stem cell-niche dynamics in different physiological and anatomical settings throughout his young career. Beginning with research in exercise physiology, he focused on understanding the cues that define the interactions between stem cells and the skeletal muscle microenvironment. From there he moved on to the hair follicle, where he is presently studying the signals that mediate stem cell self-renewal, differentiation, and wound-related plasticity. In his webinar, he will describe his identification of niche signals that lie at the crossroads of homeostatic regeneration and wound-enabled plasticity in the skin, thereby establishing a functional model for stem cell-niche crosstalk investigation.


Speaker: Matthew Tierney, PhD,  Postdoctoral Associate (Fuchs Lab), The Rockefeller University, New York, NY

When: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 16:00 CEST

Where: Online (free)


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