CRISPR is also used in genome-wide functional screening and is rapidly replacing older technologies, such as RNAi. Using CRISPR in combination with gRNA libraries, hundreds of genes can be efficiently knocked out in a single experiment.

A pool of oligos is designed to target a massive number of genes. A library of lentiviruses is produced from the oligos and used to infect cells. CRISPR genome editing knocks out different genes in different cells. Next- generation sequencing is used to determine which genes are present and which are absent. Genes for drug resistance or for drug sensitivity can be identified; negative screens determine genes conferring resistance, and positive screens determine genes conferring sensitivity.

Publication example: Pooled CRISPR-Cas9 screening in human colon organoids to identify tumor suppressor genes

What is CRISPR screening?

oPools Oligo Pools

Use oPools Oligo Pools for accurate, reliable, and affordable CRISPR libraries. These pools of custom single- stranded DNA sequences offer high fidelity, uniformity, low error rates, and low dropout rates. This means you can avoid amplification bias, varying concentrations, or high error rates that are often encountered when using pooled oligos from other suppliers.

  • Get started immediately: fast delivery and no amplification required
  • Reduce experimental variability with more complete coverage

Learn more about oPools

Endura competent cells for CRISPR library construction

Clone repetitive sequences and lentiviral CRISPR libraries with high efficiency.

  • Stabilize direct repeats and generate lentiviral guide RNA libraries
  • Choose electrocompetent or chemically competent cells
  • Highest efficiency commercially available cells for lentiviral cloning: over 1 × 107 cfu/μg (chem) or 1 × 1010 cfu/μg (electro)
Cat-No.ItemSizePrice (CHF)
60240-1Endura Chemically Competent Cells12 reactions247.00
60241-1Endura Chemically Competent Cells12 reactions272.00
60242-1Endura Electrocompetent Cells12 reactions291.00

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, IDT does not intend for these products to be used in clinical applications and does not warrant their fitness or suitability for any clinical diagnostic use. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations.