Ready-to-use premixed buffers for biochemistry and molecular biology applications

Tired of mixing up buffers and adjusting pH? Take advantage of our convenient premixed Instant Buffers! Simply empty the contents of a pack into a suitable container, add the appropriate amount of water, stir to dissolve and you are ready to go. All our Instant buffers are optimized for quick dissolution and are pre-adjusted to a standard pH. Available in convenient sizes of 10, 20, 50 or 100 pouches.


  • Pre-packaged pouches to yield 100 ml or 1 l of buffer
  • Optimized for quick dissolution
  • Pre-adjusted to a standard pH
  • Excellent lot-to-lot consistency
  • Takes the hassle out of buffer preparation

Be eco-friendly!

Shipping liquid buffers around the world impacts the environment. Liquid buffers are typically transported using ships, which are responsible for 3% of worldwide CO2 emissions.
Help us reduce CO2 - one box of 20 pouches weighs less than 500 grams, compared with 20 kg for the same amount of liquid buffer!

Available instant buffers

Standard buffers

Buffers for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis

  • TBE buffer, for standard agarose gels - Datasheet
  • TAE buffer, for separation of DNA fragments > 10 kb - Datasheet

Buffers for Western blotting

  • Semi-dry membrane transfer buffer, for all semi-dry blotting applications - Datasheet
  • TBS-T blocking buffer, high efficiency blocking buffer for nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes - Datasheet

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Ordering information

Cat-No.ItemSizePrice (CHF)
8005011Instant PBS buffer20 pouches71.00
8015121Instant PBS-T buffer20 pouches71.00
8015141Instant TBS buffer20 pouches71.00
8015131Instant TBS-T buffer20 pouches71.00
8015171Instant HEPES buffer10 pouches89.00
8015081Instant MES buffer10 pouches89.00
8015091Instant MOPS buffer10 pouches89.00
8025051Instant TBE buffer10 pouches71.00
8025041Instant TAE buffer20 pouches71.00
8015161Instant Semi-Dry membrane transfer buffer20 pouches71.00
8015151Instant TBS-T blocking buffer20 pouches131.00