Webinar: Unlocking the Importance of Urine Biomarkers

Unlocking the Importance of Urine Biomarkers | From Discovery to Diagnosis

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The search for minimally invasive methods for the early detection of diseases is on the rise. In particular, the search for biomarkers among different diseases is showing promise as they have been successfully used within clinical settings for the early detection and monitoring of some cancers. While blood and tissue biopsy samples are commonly used within cancer research for biomarker discovery, urine is gaining considerable interest as an alternative sample type for that purpose. Circulating nucleic acids from both normal and cancer cells have been found in urine, which makes it an excellent sample source for the discovery of cancer-specific biomarkers. Recent evidence has exhibited a plethora of information that can be obtained from urine for the early detection of different cancer types, regardless of their location. Because of the nature and the origin of circulating nucleic acid, different cell-free DNA and cell-free RNA signatures have been identified in urine. Such differences are highly attributed to different factors, including the means of sample collection and the purification method used. In this webinar, we will be discussing what must be taken into consideration to unlock the importance of urine as a source for biomarker discovery.

Speaker: Iva Laska - Senior Life Science Product Specialist
Moderator: Nikola Breberina - Life Sciences Product Specialist

When: Wednesday 13. April 2022 at 16:30 CET or 19:30 CET

Where: Online (free)


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