Webinar: Introduction to R programming for life-scientists

R is widely used for analysis of biological data sets. However, R is complex and requires experience to use effectively. Using a real data set from his research, Dr Toryn Poolman from UCL will take us through some basic functions of R that will be useful to all life-scientists.

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R is widely used for analysis of biological data sets. However, R is complex and takes experience to use effectively. Using a real data set from his research, Dr Toryn Poolman from UCL will take us through some basic functions of R that will be useful to all life-scientists. Some prior experience with R is useful but not essential.

Toryn will use R to take us through a real data set from his own research. This workshop will cover:
- Statistical analysis of a real-life data set
- Creating a multi-panel figure
- Adding in stats to the figure
- Annotating graphs using R markdown

After the demonstration there will be time for an in-depth Q&A.
Feel free to submit questions in advance to events@ptglab.com.


Speaker: Dr Toryn Poolman, Teaching Fellow in Molecular Biosciences @University College London

Toryn’s previous research focused on trying to understand how steroids work and how they interact with our body clock. His interests are in using techniques to measure changes in all genes or proteins, using next generation sequencing or mass spectrometry. Particularly, Toryn is interested in all aspects of data science for education and research (mainly using the R programming language), using machine learning and other techniques to understand complex datasets.


When: Thursday 7. July 2022 at 12:00 CEST

Where: Online (free)


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Can't make the time? A recording will be sent to all registrants.
Certificate of attendance available to all attendees.